staff may face a difficult training journey if they don'thave the necessary support. Once you understand the need to upskill and reskillyour workforce, you may be wondering how to implement this strategy and ensureit will help address future skills gaps. Below are some tips that can help youdevelop the best possible strategy to encourage continuing education andpromote online learning . Assess skills gaps To identify skills gaps among youremployees, you first need to define your development goal. Here are somequestions to ask yourself to identify and set these goals. What skills wouldyou need as a business? What skills would be required for your employees to beable to do
their jobs well today and tomorrow? What skills should youpotentially Phone Number List invest in to prepare your business for the challenges of thefuture? Once you have defined your short-term and long-term goals, rank them todetermine what skills are required to achieve them. Then check if your employeeshave these skills. Identify learning opportunities for your employees Afteranalyzing the skills gap, the next step is to identify learning opportunitiesfor your employees. However, before implementing this step, adaptability shouldbe emphasized. As each employee has a unique set of skills, the opportunitiesyou offer them should match their training wishes to ensure that this learninggoes smoothly. To identify the best possible options, take into accountemployee
evaluation, management opinions as well as proven skills andperformance indicators. This is key to retention and hiring: SME employeescited learning and development opportunities as the fourth most importantfactor when looking for a job. Give your employees a blended learning experienceAfter identifying learning opportunities for your employees, the next step isto develop a comprehensive and scalable training program. It's not always easyto set up a formal learning and development program. You can always hireexperts to create cohort learning programs for your employees. Or you can optfor online learning management software to streamline the process, or considerimplementing online learning creation software to offer your own training