You improve your advertising and boost your sales: in addition to the tool giving you detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns, you can increase the sales of your business by having online visibility. Remember that users find you thanks to the insertion of a specific keyword and come directly to you because you are what they were looking for. Microsoft Advertising Marketing Goals We always tell you that everything you do must correspond to a series of objectives , so we are going to leave you some examples of marketing objectives that you can include in your digital strategy and that are related to Microsoft Ads : Reach a number of phone calls: if part of your sales strategy has to do with contacting your potential clients cold, with this advertising tool you can get more calls for your business.
What is sought with these ads is for the customer to contact you directly through phone numbers data the call extension. Get more visits to your store: which can be online or offline. Here we recommend that you rely on the expanded text option so that you create an offer that is attractive enough in more than 10 words for your readers. A good title is engaging, just remember to say a message that is clear and direct enough to convert. Increase conversions: especially if you are focused on getting more visitors to your website, so we recommend that you prepare material that serves as a lead and that you can include on your site to attract those customers.
Bing ads targets Quite a surprise, right? you have to generate money, the greater the opportunities you can find along the way. And Microsoft ads are as powerful for digital marketing campaigns as Google ads. The important thing is that you generate results. Always keep those tools that allow you to boost the sales of your online venture or business, because even if you feel like you don't need them, you should try them and know how to use them. Did you already know about Microsoft Ads ? Let us know if you would implement them in your campaigns.WPO: Web Page Optimization. Tips and good practices Posted by Claudia Roca Marketing 0 Comment(s) Web Performance Optimization Blog » Marketing » WPO: Web Page Optimization.