In fact, the first member to join the platform arrived in February 2016. However, in March 2016 there were already 10 companies integrated into the project. As we have seen, today technological giants, from the world of banking, finance, etc. project. In addition to entities such as Airbus, BBVA, or Intel , which are widely known, we also find blockchain startups such as Lykke, Factom, Blockstream and others.
which have come together for a common goal. It seems that Phone Number List since there are a large number of entities from such diverse sectors and of such magnitude, there may be a lack of control and the strategic direction may end up losing focus. That is the perception we can have a priori. However, Hyperledger has a steering committee made up of more than 10 people.

With experience in open source projects, as well as contact with the most important partners in different industries. We find executives from companies such as W3C, IBM engineers, etc. on this committee. Therefore, belonging to this organization not only provides a technological or security benefit, but also visibility, and also provides the possibility of creating synergies between organizations.