The audience will become more closely involved through this strategy, thus causing people to interact and become more involved with the brand, stimulating its memory. Customer loyalty towards the brand will increase due to the good experience with it and a larger community and a closer bond with customers will be created. You will be able to differentiate yourself from the competition, since in addition to a product or service, you offer an experience.
Likewise, you will achieve greater positioning in the minds of consumers. The budget invested in this strategy will be lower , since users will do much of the dissemination and, therefore, the return on investment will be greater. Increased mentions of the brand Binance App Users Data on social media . Storydoing will generate free mentions and appearances in the media, thus reducing the cost of campaigns.
Greater possibility of virality. This strategy can produce a great impact on people on social networks, this can make it go viral, thus . Getting consumers involved will be important, creating community and a sense of belonging. Building a close and sincere relationship with consumers will make them become loyal customers of the brand, recommending and defending it. How to implement a good storydoing strategy