Collaborative work in hybrid and remote mode: what toremember Meetings are usually a daily or weekly necessity for allprofessionals, regardless of where they work. With the trend of hybrid andremote working only accelerating, many companies are opting for online meetingsoftware to help their employees collaborate. In fact, it's worth asking howcompanies ensure their teams can work together effectively and what theirmeetings look like. The impact of ineffective collaboration can be significant:loss of employee engagement, resentment within teams, and reduced focus onbusiness goals and desired outcomes. To help small and medium-sized businesses(SMEs) avoid these pitfalls, we surveyed nearly 500 employees in Canada andaround the world
who work hybridly or remotely. We will also look at dataspecific to Quebec and Ontario to Bulgaria Mobile Number List obtain more precise information relating tothese two provinces. You will find the complete methodology and the list of the13 countries surveyed at the bottom of this article. One in five employeesbelieve they have too many meetings In Canada, 20% of employees surveyed saythey have “too many meetings.” The same number of employees also find thatmeetings last too long, indicating that a certain proportion of Canadians feeloverwhelmed. While the majority of , theabsence of such a document can harm employee performance. Meeting fatigue inCanada In addition, content that is too busy can also distract employees.
Only 8% of Canadian employees say they always stay focusedduring meetings and constitute a minority. The causes of loss of concentrationduring a meeting are numerous: the excessive duration of the meeting (accordingto 46% of those questioned), the lack of relevance of the information (42%) andthe fact that a speaker talks too much (38%). Employee productivity is alsothreatened. Attending meetings that could have been replaced by an email ormeetings that don't concern them wastes their time. To maintain employeeengagement and productivity during collaborations, here are some tips to betterprepare for meetings. Make sure meetings start and end on time. It's temptingto want to include more details in longer meetings, but a disengaged