The initial priority is to get the basics right.Steven Roberts Increased Fines and Consumer Awareness As marketers, we are thevoice of the consumer, responsible for protecting the brand and reputation ofour firms. Consumers have greater awareness of their data protection rights.Much of this is being driven by publicity that has surrounded large fines.According to law firm DLA Piper, EU supervisory authorities issued € billion infines in the months from th January This trend continued in , most notably withthe Irish DPC’s issuing of a € billion fine against Meta for transferring EUusers’ personal data to the USA without having adequate data protectionmechanisms in place.
In April , the UK Information Commissioner’s Office ICOissued a £ million fine to Find Your Mobile Number List TikTok for breaches relating to the misuse ofchildren’s data. The EU followed suit, and upped the ante, through the Septemberfine of £ million by the DPC against TikTok for failing to shield underageusers and breaking GDPR rules. Meanwhile in the US, data privacy has seen morepolitical stances, with attempts to ban TikTok at a state level, such as inMontana, and a noticeably tougher new leadership at the FTC suing Amazon forenrolling customers to Prime without consent, while the Department of Justicelaunched a landmark antitrust trail against Google in September In Ireland,staff at government and state agencies are required to remove the TikTok appfrom official devices; whilst restrictions have also been introduced injurisdictions such as the UK and The Netherlands. It's worth noting that whilstAdTech and behavioral advertising were enforcement priorities for the , penalties have been levied against businessesacross many sectors of the economy; albeit not at the eye-watering levels wehave seen with technology firms.
Transferring International Data Internationaldata transfers have caused significant headaches for firms seeking to transferpersonal data out of the European Union. It is an aspect of data privacy thathas witnessed substantial change in recent years. In July , the European Courtof Justice ruled the existing Privacy Shield arrangement for data transfersbetween the EU and US to be invalid. Since that decision, known as Schrems II,both jurisdictions have been seeking an alternative mechanism that is GDPRcompliant. A new Data Privacy Framework was approved by the European Union inearly July. While welcome, it remains to be seen whether this will be subjectto similar challenges from privacy advocates as was the case with its twopredecessors. In the interim, companies have had to find alternativeapproaches, such as the use of Standard Contractu