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標題: Stories ads unique in that sense The content needs [打印本頁]

作者: mdshantoh297@gm    時間: 2024-3-5 12:58
標題: Stories ads unique in that sense The content needs
The important thing to note here is that Blenders Eyewear is able to continue to spend and increase their spend on Instagram ads because they can prove that they positively impact the bottom line While brand awareness and engagement metrics are still completely valid goals for Instagram ads if you can’t demonstrate their value in tangible ways it’ll be tough to leverage them for more budget in the future

The importance of the Instagram Stories ad format It’s no surprise that with the emergence of organic Instagram Stories content as an effective way for brands to reach their customers that Stories ads Mexico Phone Number Data would soon follow “Right now almost half of our Instagram ad spend is being put towards the Stories placement” Grace explained to me “ROAS trends lower there for us” But the Blenders team doesn’t create any old Stories content and turn it into an ad They are thoughtful about when and how to use Stories ads for maximum effectiveness

The Stories placement is best for when you have a special announcement – like a much anticipated restock flash sale giveaway or any limited time promos You need to convince the user they need to take action right then and there” said Grace “Unlike Facebook or Instagram ads they can’t tag friends like the post or save to come back to later” Blenders Eyewear Instagram Stories Examples These factors make  to be highly-actionable and compelling enough for your audience to immediately want to swipe up

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